The Original Doggy Drying Bag

Dog drying bag for camping

The Benefits of Doggy Bag

  • Dries and cleans your wet muddy dog in seconds!
  • Use it in the back of a car after a dirty walk
  • Peels off the mud and traps it in the bag
  • Super absorbent! 2 minutes in the bag & a good rub is all it takes
  • Use after a bath or shower
  • Dries out quickly and needs less washing
  • Shakes out clean and machine washable if needed
  • Available in 5 sizes
  • No more wet stinky towels!

It’s the material that does it. Doggy Bag is a revolutionary super-absorbent fabric with a friction. It absorbs ten times more water than a regular towel. Plus it peels off mud, sand and dirt and traps it in the bag.

Doggy Bag keeps the mud and the mess contained!